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Devoted hip hop career

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I’ve had many a day job to support my hip hop career. The grind is most definitely real. If I could support myself through music and not work a 9-5, well.. that’s the dream really. 

This blog I’ve decided to share a bit more of my journey about where the pursuit of a lucrative hip hop career has taken me, and what kind of jobs I’ve had to support my dream along the way.

From sous chef to direct sales  to corporate – my CV is as varied as it is long. Welcome to the inner workings of a devoted hip hop career.

hip hop career

When I left hospitality I knew that I’d had enough. A combination of working in ridiculously hot kitchens for 10 hours a day, working weekends and nights – not to mention the low pay – all contributed to my decision to leave chefing for good. My last kitchen I worked the biggest shift: 9am to midnight on Fridays. It was rough.

I was working at that kitchen when I did my debut show at the end of one of NJEs nights but that’s beside the point. I left my career as a chef not knowing what I was going to do. I just knew that I didn’t want to work in the kitchen anymore. A couple of weeks of holiday pay took the edge off and I jumped on a job search engine called Seek. 

Unfortunately there weren’t a lot of rapper jobs going.


hip hop career

hip hop career destiny

I applied for everything. And anything. I ended up in an office in Surry Hills in a suit that I borrowed off an old mate. I’d never worn a suit in my life. 

In the high rise corporate environment of the area I was a little overwhelmed at the time. I asked this guy I saw talking to some girls if he knew where the address was and he pointed me across the road. Up to level 5 in the elevator, into the waiting room filling out some forms and up comes the guy I asked for directions. We were applying for the same role. 

Shoutouts to my boi Simon. Anyway, I had no idea what the role was. It was one of those ads on Seek that was like: show your personality, no experience needed etc.

hip hop career

So it was a group interview. We were sat around this boardroom table in the middle of this corporate suite and there were 6 of us applying. The interviewer – Jacob – goes:

“Tell me something about yourself I wouldn’t know by looking at you”

We did the rounds and he gets to my new friend Simon and Simon goes: 

“I was a dancer on cruise ships for the past 7 years.”

We were all like wtf! The question was asked to me and I’m like:

“I’m a rapper!”

Jacob goes: “Give us a rap bro”

It was pretty surreal spitting bars in a suit in this corporate place.. me and Simon were successful candidates. I had no idea what the role was but it certainly felt good making it through.

hip hop career

The following day Jacob and I sat down in another office and had a one on one interview. This was day 2 of the process. Turns out Jacob was a chef before as well and now he was the Managing Director of this company. I thought it was pretty cool.

Up until this point, there had been presentations and workshops on mentality, focus, resilience etc. I still had no idea what they did there. There were 100’s in that office.

He goes:

“Bro good news. You’ve been successful in the application! Now let me tell you what we do. We’re a direct sales company. We go door to door and sell people products. Currently we are selling Hello Fresh. We work on a commission- only structure.”

This was a lot to take in.

I go:

“So if I don’t sell anything then I don’t make any money?

“If you don’t sell anything. then either you’re not right for the role or the role is not right for you.” Jacob replied.

I was like you know what, I’ll give it a go. I know that I don’t wanna go back to the kitchen. All I need to do is make enough money to pay the rent.

I was in that role for 2.5 years.

hip hop career

Now-a-days I work as a Senior Customer Care Agent for a large car manufacturer. Not as exciting as being a chef or working door to door but the job gives me the time and freedom to work on my real passion: music. 

My hip hop career is something I cultivate – generally – outside the office hours Mon-Fri. I haven’t found a role yet that satisfies all elements of my soul the way hip hop does.

Maybe being a full-time rapper would fill my void.. maybe not.

I am truly grateful to be on this path. I gotta keep grinding and continue to give it my all. Because that’s who I am.

As always thanks for reading fam and supporting ya boi Prim in his hip hop career. To everyone who has bought a shirt, thank you so much!


until next time, peace fam!

6 thoughts on “Devoted hip hop career”

  1. Kunal (Platinum Solid)

    Love the comedy relief in the way you express yourself… The struggle is real, kinda shows how it shaped your character. This lifestyle is only for the strong.

  2. Pingback: Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Game! - Primitive

  3. Pingback: Beardcam - The reckoning - Primitive

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