This blog I’m changing gears a little and sharing the story of how me and my girl met and fell in love. Welcome to The Love of a Rapper.
People ask me all the time how me and my girl met. Anyone who’s met Angel knows that she’s an awesome chick.
You know when you meet people and immediately you like them? Like they’re always smiling and laughing and positive? That’s her. She’s the type of girl that cracks bad jokes and pisses herself laughing. I guess someone has to.
Shoutouts to my girl Angel!

a cut above - live hip hop
Anyone who knows me knows of my battle with addiction and how that has influenced my music. I’m quite open about it. So I guess it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that I met my girl through a mixture of both recovery AND music. Let me explain.
I had seen Angel in 12 step meetings I was attending for a few months. Never spoken to her or anything but noticed she sat at the back of the meeting and me always at the front. We had different groups but some mutual friends.
Anyway, after one particular meeting I was invited out with some of the crew to check out a music festival in Manly. Aptly named Manly Jazz Festival. I was like fuck yes.

adaptable rapper
There were a few of in the crew that day and Angel was there too. We got an Uber to the festival – which was right on the beach – and I was flexing bars on the ride over.
We reached the destination and made our way past the countless stages through the sea of people to get closer to the beach. After meeting some more the of the crew, destiny brought us to the kebab shop for some snack packs.
It was around this time that I realised i liked Angel.
The setting was dope. Stages everywhere. A sunny day on the beach with a cool breeze. Laid back jazz vibes. Yes.
At one point Angel and my mate Liz tried to get me to come swimming in the ocean but i knew the water was freezing. They attempted to trick me into entering the water by jumping in themselves and saying the water was warm..I could see their goosebumps from the shore.

Where it starts getting interesting was when I invited Angel over for dinner. I was house sitting my Aunties pad in Newtown and Angel accepted the invite.
“Dinner and a show?” She asked.
I remember saying something about Magic Mike..smooth Prim.
“No comment.” Was the reply.
When we all decided to move on from the festival, we walked past a stage with a jazz band playing and a dope rapper spitting bars over the top.
Angel goes : “You’re better.”
I think i fell for her then.

basic cooking
We made it back to Newtown. I was so broke I had like $10 to my name so the old classic Spaghetti Bolognese was on the menu.
When Angel saw that I put bacon in my Spaghetti Bolognese; i think she knew I was the one then.
We sat down and enjoyed the food and my Aunties cat – April – was on Angels lap purring away. We were chilling on the couch watching some TV.
The cat just jumped up and ran out the room suddenly.
Angel goes : “Aww, what am i gonna play with now?”

So Angel stayed the night.
Some context to the story – when we met at the jazz festival she was living in a long-term rehab that she’d been at for around 15 months.
Ultimately she got kicked out of the rehab for sneaking out and seeing me.
Anyway I’m super grateful to have met someone so kind, funny, encouraging and awesome. It has worked out well as I love to cook and she loves eating. She’s my number one fan when it comes to my music.
People are shocked when I tell them I sold her a Primitive shirt at retail price when I had my 1st batch made up. A rapper’s gotta eat!
I have since refunded regrets.
Thanks for reading guys. I have a special write up coming later this week so keep your eyes peeled.

May the universe bless your love with happiness and joy. 2 people perfect for each other.
Ahhh bless you brother Kunal
Naw, you two…
Loveee your blog but loveee you more!! I’m soo greatful to have you in my life and seeing all the hard work and dedication you put into your passion and 2 love (ofcourse after me LOL) is truly inspiring and refreshing. I hope all your dreams and wishes come true, you’re one in a billion xx
Aww I love you so much! Thanks for all your support and encouragement. It helps me through hard times when things get rough ❤